Sunday 30 March 2014

new material


  Have now bought some new material to play, sorry work with!
It is a resin that has been coloured and injected under very high pressure with a burr wood.
Very nice to turn and already have lot of ideas to use it for.
As you can see from the photos this pedestal and vase/jardinière has a nice contrast between the wood and the resin and it polishes up lovely, have to keep sharpening the tools though as anything that is slightly worn will chip the material.

The one above is a pedestal fruit bowl, obviously can be used for many different things, this has an array of wonderful colours blended in, could even be used by a witch, but now wondering if these items could be used as art deco or arts and crafts.

Was hoping to add my latest painting (a panorama) but have got yet another cold and I feel horrible so that will have to wait for another day to finish it off.


  1. Congrats: You have done beautiful items with totally new material! How does it it difficult to use?

  2. Thanks Kikka, have to turn it on the lathe and yes much harder to work than wood, one false move and it breaks or burns out.

  3. get well soon! I'm so glad you are back on the scene!

  4. I like the new material and I hope you get over your cold soon

